Research 3: Insights and Definitions

James, Caryn. “Braveheart; The Splashy Epic Finds New Life in the 13th Century.” New York Times 24 5 1995, n. pag. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.

The critic of this review, James, provides what is for the most part, a summary. He describes the plot of the movie, comments on certain elements of it, and gives his opinion at the end of the review.

This review is a good source for me for a few reasons. First off, It provides me with a nice succinct plot summary so that, should I forget a certain part of the movie, I can simply read over this article rather than skim through the movie. It also provides me some of the opinions of a reviewer of that time, providing me with what they found to be good about the movie, and some of the qualms that even someone with a positive reaction to the film had. Lastly, it gives me a definition of what over-the-top and extravagant were considered back then, through the examples of such provided therein.

1 thought on “Research 3: Insights and Definitions

  1. Your annotation remind me to find some more sources about how people view the movie when it created. I think this source could be very helpful since it responds to the topic why people elected it as best picture during that time.

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