Research 8: Historical Knowledge as of 1996

“William Wallace’s Adventure Through Time.” British Heritage 18.6 (1996): 42. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Mar. 2014.

This source basically cross-references all of the events in Braveheart with the known facts about William Wallace. It goes into a lot of depth, providing great detail, and tries to put the pieces together. Unfortunately, the only thing that seems to have been historically accurate is the fact that Wallace was a brilliant military leader. It actually includes some information about why Mel Gibson wanted to make this movie, which could be useful.

This article is basically to address the counter-arguments that may be posed, particularly regarding the lack of historical accuracy. Even with all the information presented in the article, there is still a lot of information that is not known, however, some of the things that are known are not present in the movie, or are else distorted for the sake of making a good movie.

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